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Personalized Training

Image by Hannah Lim


Adult Class

In this 4-week class, we reinforce the basics and proof our impulse control.  You will also hone your "Happy Talk" voice and you may be surprised by what it sounds like!


This includes (but isn't limited to!)

  • Sit

  • Down

  • Stay

  • Leave It

  • Recall/ Come When Called

  • Loose Leash Walking

  • Body Language Reading

  • Socialization and Play (when possible)

  • Hand-out at the end of each class explaining how you can continue to continue training at home


You may look at the first few items and think "my dog can sit!".  But bet a friend $50 that Fluffy will sit the first and only time you ask them in a room full of people.  By mastering the basics, you will build a better foundation for the trickier items down the list, trust me!

Image by Elena Mozhvilo



In 6-weeks we will have the cutest time and also learn some incredible puppy skills that will not only build the foundations of many great skills from the Basic Obedience & Manners Training, but also discuss the importance of teething and Fear and Aggression Prevention mixed in with a good dose of Body Handling and Playtime Socialization.


If there's a reason to cry over your dog, it should be from cuteness overload.  Not because you inadvertently made them afraid of the world around them, and we will work on those happy associations together!

Image by Charles Deluvio


Specified to your Needs

If you have a dog who has needs outside of class settings or you want that one-one-one attention, then Private Lessons may be right for you!


We can meet in-person or virtually and our first session will be a consultation where we will further discuss your goals, work together to remove any immediate obstacles and begin the process to behavior salvation!


I will take a look at your specific situation and write "homework" notes with a training plan for you to train at home between private training sessions and am available any time for questions during this process.


Depending on your needs, we will then book regular trainings until you are satisfied with your shiny new behavior!

Black Dog


Changing Everyone's Emotions

Through my education, I can help you and your dog with Fear and Aggression issues in a no-judgement, emotion-changing environment.


As an owner of a dog who is dog-reactive and aggressive, I get it!  Having pups who aren't so friendly to fellow dogs and even worse, us dinner-providing humans can feel like a real gut punch and betrayal to all that a dog *should* be.


But much like us humans, dogs may be anti-social for a variety of reasons.  I'm here to help you determine the severity of the issue at hand (sometimes dogs have super normal spats and that's it!), what the prognosis looks like based on a variety of factors, including your compliance as the owner, and work together to change your dog's emotional state from "oh no, I hate this" to "Oh my goodness please come back!"


This training is also great for dogs who are less than fond of the veterinarian, the groomer, or have any range of body-handling issues.


As your dog trainer and your treat-giver-in-arms, I will provide you will all of the information I can and help try to give everyone the best outcome I possibly can.



Extending Your Absences

I have my Separation Anxiety Pro (SAPRO) Certification and am happy to help make your absences a better experience for everyone, including the neighbors!


During our consultation we will discuss your goals and also assess how long your dog can stay home alone and still feel safe.  We will then work to find out who else is a "safe person" the dog can be with when you are gone, how we can remove absences to keep your dog feeling safe and work on an incremental plan to help you build absence length.


This training is performed entirely virtually, so you do not need to be in NY to contact me for services!

Services: Services
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